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... printers´ dreams within reach ...

Paperworld Frankfurt 2018

Stone Paper

Rozšířili jsme náš sortiment o Stone Paper - extrémně odolný minerální papír.

Více informací naleznete v sekci - Doplňkové materiály.




Since Sentis started supplying bookbinding cloth and other polygraphic materials, there has always been an effort to address major publishers and manufacturers of books and other products for which these materials could be used.

The most important reference has been the bookbinding cloth used for three volumes of Harry Potter, the renowned book series published in the U.S in millions of copies.

The fact that a number of books and other products made from Sentis’ materials can be seen all over the world has always been
a great pleasure for us.

In the Czech Republic, we work with major publishers and prestigious manufacturers of books, diaries, covered cardboard and office supplies, as well as with advertising agencies.
There has been several times that publications for which Sentis’ materials were used, were proclaimed the most beautiful books of the year.
Our materials are commonly used in company diaries of major banks and institutions in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and other countries.

However Sentis has never forgotten about mid-sized and small bookbinders. They are taken care of with the same level of interest and responsibility as the largest ones.

SENTIS, spol. s r.o.